U.S. postal money orders and bank drafts as payment will allow for 1-3 day shipping. Personal checks always accepted.

Make payment to: Mail to:
Mark D. Richardson
Deckhand Manufacturing
6103 Roberts Rd.
Bellingham, WA. 98226

Warranty Issues
and the Lack There Of

A fine print warranty with lots of loop holes, disclaimers and conditional requirements is not my style. The most common reason for hammock damage is cigarette burns and automobile trespassing , both easily avoidable by the private placement end user. Get my drift?

These hammocks are my weapons of choice in the war on planned obsolescence. Really Durable consumer products are the best way to preserve the earthy environment by utilizing natural resources for the very long term to avoid the Enviro. stress of short term, planned repeat, substandard, cheap crap, minimal quality manufacturing otherwise known as the China Syndrome.

I don’t operate that way!!

THESE DESIGNS ARE DURABLE. Well taken care of their total

“Service Life” is of unknown duration. The possibility exists that one century is very doable.

At the very least it will be a very long, long time. Buy one, you’re done, period…!


I have NEVER HAD ONE RETURN of any hammock on any issue, craftsmanship, materials flaws, color, dimensions, premature wear or comfort level from day one in 1999, to Aug- 2011 and beyond

Reality Check Number (1): the hanging kit, employed with a sufficient degree of regularity and proper Hammock stowage when not being actively used is the very best way to GREATLY, TREMONDOUSLY, PROFOUNDLY extend the service life and bright color of any hammock. Proper maintenance has far more value than any piece of paper drawn up by a slippery legal team. End-Reality/check#(1)

Also of note, when you use a hanging kit–all the time consumed tying up and fine tuning the set up is done once, then you are hooking up not tying up your platform(hammock)every time. This rapid deployment allows you to utilize your hammock-time on a moments notice and way more often. It is just as easy to unhook and stow away. Then the next time you want to go horizontal it is waiting in perfect condition. Anyway you cut it the hanging kit and hook up capacity combined with good after use stowage is the way to go for decades of service. I rest my case.

IF! you should have ANY PROBLEM, what so ever, PLEEEEEEEASE! send it back so I can correct it free (I will just send you a new unit) and this will give me an opportunity to improve my product line.

Return Policy

Take a 14 day shake down cruise. If you are not 101% satisfied: return, clean, dry hammock to this address for a full, purchase price refund.

You are going to like what you get. You may need to adjust to Hammock time. And that is the pleasure.

You have my word on it

Mark D. Richardson S/P